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contoh kalimat in sufficient detail

"in sufficient detail" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • You must identify in sufficient detail the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed and including at least one search term under which the material appears in sactivator.com search results.
    Anda harus mengidentifikasi secara cukup rinci karya cipta yang diklaim telah dilanggar dan termasuk setidaknya satu istilah pencarian di mana materi muncul di sactivator.com hasil penelusuran.
  • Cargill may also process your Recruitment Information to comply with its legal obligations or because it is in Cargill’s legitimate business interests to do so (for example, where it is necessary to understand applicants in sufficient detail so Cargill can operate an effective recruitment process).
    Cargill juga berhak memproses Informasi Rekrutmen Anda untuk mematuhi kewajiban hukum atau karena pemrosesan informasi termasuk dalam tujuan bisnis Cargill yang sah, sehingga hal tersebut boleh dilakukan (misalnay, ketika diwajibkan untuk menggali sebanyak mungkin informasi soal pelamar agar Cargill dapat menjalankan proses rekrutmen yang efektif).